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. 2015 Oct 31;10:222. doi: 10.1186/s13014-015-0527-0

Table 1.

Population statistics of patients with newly diagnosed GBM

Population statistics Category Absolute Percentage
Median age at diagnosis 61.0
Average age at death 60.5
Gender M 44 60 %
F 29 40 %
Extent of resection GTR 38 52 %
STR 24 33 %
Biopsy 11 15 %
Median RT dose 6000
Concurrent agents Temozolomide alone 39 53 %
Temozolomide and Bevacizumab 34 47 %
Smoker No 43 60 %
Yes 29 40 %
HTN No 32 44 %
Yes 41 56 %
BMI Normal (<25) 17 23 %
Overweight (25–30) 37 51 %
Obese (>30) 19 26 %
DM No 63 86 %
Yes 10 14 %
Hyperlipidemia No 46 63 %
Yes 27 37 %
Dexamethasone during RT No 37 51 %
Yes 36 49 %