(a–e) Occult breast carcinoma in breast-specific gamma imaging (BSGI) and mammography (MG) owing to eccentric location. Thick arrows in (c, d) point to breast carcinoma at the right parasternal chest wall that was only found with ultrasound and MRI owing to its eccentric location. Star in (d) marks malignant haemorrhagic pleural effusion. Dashed rectangles in (a, b and e) highlight the inner lower quadrant of right breast with no lesion detectable. (a, b) MGs craniocaudal (cc) (a) and mediolateral oblique (mlo) (b); (c) ultrasound of the right-sided cancer; (d) MRI T1 weighted FS + DOTAREM® (Guerbet, Cedex, France); (e) BSGIs in cc (figure above) and mlo (figure below) projection. RCC, right craniocaudal; RMLO, right mediolateral oblique.