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. 2015 Oct 18;2015:513875. doi: 10.1155/2015/513875


Parameters Mean area ± SDb % RSDc of area
Components Conc.
(ng spot−1)
Wavelength used
Detecting wavelengths (nma) 240 and 595 Cucurbitacin B 100 238 554.33 ± 11.67 2.10
242 545.66 ± 10.78 1.97
200 238 875.66 ± 19.55 2.23
242 876.66 ± 18.08 2.06
400 238 1594.66 ± 25.71 1.61
242 1588.66 ± 32.00 2.01
Cucurbitacin D 200 238 441.0 ± 9.00 2.04
242 438.33 ± 9.07 2.07
400 238 830.33 ± 16.55 1.98
242 824.33 ± 16.25 1.97
800 238 1648.00 ± 32.42 1.97
242 1650.33 ± 32.00 1.94
Cucurbitacin E 200 238 640.66 ± 13.86 2.16
242 638.00 ± 13.00 2.03
400 238 1173.33 ± 22.03 1.94
242 1169.33 ± 22.05 1.88
800 238 2161.33 ± 41.24 1.91
242 2154.33 ± 43.85 2.01
Betulinic acid 250 593 981.33 ± 19.55 1.99
597 977.33 ± 18.87 1.93
500 593 1039.66 ± 21.00 2.02
597 1031.00 ± 18.35 1.78
1000 593 1363.66 ± 27.09 1.98
597 1368.33 ± 27.61 2.01

Detecting wavelength (nma) 500 Picroside 1 100 498 941.33 ± 17.50 1.85
502 946.00 ± 17.34 1.83
200 498 1645.00 ± 34.05 2.06
502 1644.33 ± 32.86 1.99
400 498 2927.00 ± 55.05 1.88
502 2940.00 ± 56.66 1.92
Picroside 2 100 498 504.00 ± 10.00 1.98
502 502.00 ± 9.53 1.90
200 498 1004.00 ± 20.42 2.03
502 1007.33 ± 19.50 1.93
400 498 1919.33 ± 37.01 1.92
502 1922.66 ± 40.69 2.11
Apocynin 400 498 799.00 ± 15.50 1.94
502 797.00 ± 14.54 1.82
800 498 1593.33 ± 29.36 1.84
502 1594.33 ± 31.65 1.98
1000 498 2227.33 ± 40.50 1.81
502 2257.00 ± 43.13 1.92

aNanometer. bStandard deviation. cRelative standard deviation.