(a) Representative flow cytometric analysis demonstrating CD11b+, F4/80 + monocytes in peripheral blood of mice at 1 d after treatment with clodronate liposomes (CloLip) or control liposomes (CntrlLip), and TAC-operated mice at 5 d after operation and treatment with CloLip or CntrlLip. (b) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of TAC-operated mice treated with CloLip (n = 12) or CntrlLip (n = 8). (c) Immunoblot analysis of eNampt in plasma at 5 d after TAC operation (CloLip, n = 5; CntrlLip, n = 4). The quantitations of the eNampt are shown as bar graphs. (d) Immunoblot analysis of iNampt in hearts at 5 d after TAC operation (CloLip, n = 5; CntrlLip, n = 4). The quantitations of the Nampt/GAPDH are shown as bar graphs. (e) NAD+ concentrations in hearts at 5 d after TAC operation (CloLip, n = 5; CntrlLip, n = 7). (f) Sirt1 deacetylase activity in hearts at 5 d after TAC operation (CloLip, n = 5; CntrlLip, n = 4). (g) Immunoblot analysis of Ac-FoxO1 and FoxO1 in hearts 5 d after TAC operation (CloLip, n = 4; CntrlLip, n = 4). The quantitations of the Ac-FoxO1/FoxO1 are shown as bar graphs. (h) TUNEL staining (green) with nuclear staining with DAPI (blue) and WGA staining (red) showing the outlines of cardiomyocytes in TAC-operated mice at 2 d after operation and treatment with clodronate liposomes (CloLip) or control liposomes (CntrlLip). Scale bars, 40 μm. (i) Quantification of TUNEL-positive cardiomyocytes at 2 d after TAC operation (CloLip, n = 5; CntrlLip, n = 6). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, NS, not significant.