Figure 3. Fluorescence to scattering signal ratio (FL/SC) for various PSL and FLPSL particle mixture conditions.
(A) Measured fluorescence to scattering signal ratio (FL/SC). The result was proportional to the mixing ratio of 1-μm-diameter PSL and FLPSL particles; the dotted line indicates a ratio of 1:1. The flow rate of both the PSL and FLPSL particle suspensions was 12.5 μL/h at the sample and dye inlets, and was 237.5 μL/h in the sheath flow. The total microfluidic flow rate in the particle detection region was 7.1 mm/s. (B) Fluorescence micrographs of the FLPSL particles with various mixing ratios. The FLPSL particle number increased linearly with the FLPSL concentration.