Figure 1.
Auditory brainstem responses of +/+ and MitfMi-wh/+ mice. (A) Post-natal day 18 (P18) MitfMi‐wh/+ mice (○) exhibited a 63dB ABR threshold shift compared to wild-type (+/+) littermates (●) at 12 KHz frequency. Similarly, P28 MitfMi‐wh/+ mice exhibited a 70 dB ABR threshold shift compared to wild-type littermates at 12 KHz frequency. P45 MitfMi‐wh/+ mice had an absence of ABR waveforms, with an ABR threshold shift of >80 dB. Error bars signify standard deviation from the mean. A value of 105 dB SPL was used by convention for graphing and calculation purposes when no response was detected. P < 0.05 for P28 comparisons of MitfMi-wh/+ and wild-type responses at 8 kHz and 16 kHz. For comparison of responses at 4 kHz, 12 kHz, and 24 kHz, P < 1 × 106, 1 × 105, and 1 × 104 respectively by two-tailed Student’s t test. (B) Comparison of ABR waveforms of +/+ (H1, P28) and MitfMi‐wh/+ (H4, P28) littermates at 12 kHz. ABR waveforms are no longer evident at 20 dB in the wild-type mouse, but disappear at 85 dB in the MitfMi‐wh/+ littermate.