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. 2015;14(2):121–127.

Table 2.

Total variance explained for each factor (variance greater than 1 has been bolded)

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 3.243 20.272 20.272 3.243 20.272 20.272 2.733 17.082 17.082
2 1.561 9.758 30.030 1.561 9.758 30.030 1.633 10.205 27.287
3 1.461 9.129 39.159 1.461 9.129 39.159 1.586 9.913 37.200
4 1.345 8.404 47.563 1.345 8.404 47.563 1.582 9.889 47.088
5 1.140 7.128 54.691 1.140 7.128 54.691 1.216 7.602 54.691
6 .968 6.053 60.743
7 .955 5.967 66.710
8 .890 5.561 72.271
9 .809 5.056 77.327
10 .740 4.628 81.955
11 .697 4.357 86.312
12 .522 3.264 89.576
13 .505 3.154 92.730
14 .439 2.741 95.471
15 .406 2.541 98.012
16 .318 1.988 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.