Figure 2.
Illustration of cell detachment, cell–cell adhesion and cell–matrix adhesion of epithelial cells by E-cadherins and integrins respectively. Cell detachment: cell detachment from ECM can occur through breakage of adhesion proteins at both intracellular site and extracellular site. Cytosolic cleavage can be achieved through both mechanic forces and enzymatic cleavage while extracellular cleavage is primarily achieved through cleavage by proteases such as MMP. Cell–matrix adhesion by integrins: cell–matrix adhesion is achieved through interaction of integrins with intracellular cytoskeleton and extracellular ECM components. The large extracellular domain of integrin binds to ECM components such as FN, LN, Col, fibrinogen, and VN. The intracellular domain is connected to cytoskeleton through focal adhesions. Cell–cell adhesion by cadherins: cell A and cell B are tightly linked by E-cadherins at adherent junction. The extracellular domain of the same type of cadherin (homodimers) (e.g., E-cadherin with E-cadherin) from the adjacent cells were tightly linked in a calcium-dependent manner. The intracellular domain of the cadherin is connected to cytoskeleton (α-actinin, vinculin, and actin cytoskeleton) through linker proteins (α-catenin, β-catenin and p120 catenin). Cell adhesion among other cells is achieved in a similar way except different CAMs are employed.