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. 2015 Nov 2;11(11):e1005607. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005607

Table 1. SNPs associated with skull phenotypes (PCs).

Columns of the table show the SNP with the lowest p-value per QTL, its base-pair position, p-value calculated in GEMMA, and the proportion of total skull shape variation explained by the SNP (%varSkull).

Region Skull Chr Pos SNP p-value %varSkull Candidate genes
1 PC1 11 32367260 rs258942042 9.13E-07 0.75 Sh3pxd2b
2 PC1 13 110231696 rs245694506 3.93E-07 0.86 Rab3c, Plk2, Pde4d
3 PC2 8 80889309 rs228570244 7.54E-07 0.62 Gab1, Inpp4b
4 PC3 5 111328046 rs33702397 2.18E-27 2.05 Mn1
5 ** PC4 9 99713529 rs30491142 9.69E-09 0.44 Cldn18
6** PC5 2 33284278 rs27194486 5.74E-07 0.35 Lmx1b
7 ** PC5 9 98588137 rs13466556 4.35E-09 0.56 Foxl2
8* PC6 5 111626960 rs254983846 1.53E-08 1.27 Mn1
9* PC6 19 4165856 rs37378594 3.24E-08 0.48 -
10 * PC7 13 31734894 cfw-13-31734894 4.00E-09 0.53 Foxf2, Foxc1
11 * PC8 3 98931976 rs30352013 4.71E-07 0.38 Tbx15
12* PC8 5 110918274 rs227631022 2.63E-09 1.15 Mn1
13 PC12 11 32423285 rs26862534 9.48E-07 0.40 Sh3pxd2b
14* PC19 11 95634099 rs26992385 8.83E-07 0.20 -
15 PC20 2 83096089 rs46747509 9.08E-07 0.61 Itgav
16* PC20 11 94881746 rs50079241 1.29E-07 0.47 Col1a1, Dlx3
17* PC22 15 11384042 rs31584944 9.85E-07 0.25 Npr3

Principal component (PC). %varSkull is the proportion of variation in skull shape explained by the SNP. This value was calculated in a multivariate regression of shape on the SNP genotype. The candidate genes were identified based on their role in bone morphogenesis (see methods). Empty cells (-) mean no compelling candidate gene emerged. The total set of genes in the QTL regions is shown in S4Table

† Regions that overlap with Maga et al 2015

* Regions that overlap with Attanasio et al 2014 using a window of 500Kb around the focal SNP

** Regions that overlap with Attanasio et al 2014 using a window of 1Mb around the focal SNP