Table 4.
Notes: Data are given as mean (95% confidence interval). aStatistically significant effect of IRB on TI before and after thermal interventions (P<0.0001 for both). bStatistically significant effect of IRB on VE before and after thermal interventions (P<0.005 or less for both). cStatistically significant treatments-by-trials interaction effect in ET (P<0.003).
Abbreviations: ET, endurance time; LTA, leisure thermal activity; MBT, mud bath therapy; TI_rest, inspiratory time at rest; TI_IRB, inspiratory time during IRB challenge; VT/TI_rest, inspiratory flow rate at rest; VT/TI_IRB, inspiratory flow rate upon IRB challenge; VE_rest, minute ventilation at rest; VEIRB, minute ventilation upon IRB challenge; VO2IRB, oxygen cost of IRB challenge.