Figure 3.
Photomicrograph of corneal sections of normal and diabetic rats treated with AV.
Notes: (A) The figure showed normal corneal Ep and St; (B) DC group showed marked corneal epithelial degeneration (arrow) with severe neutrophilic infiltration (arrowhead); (C) DAV group showed epithelization of corneal epithelium (arrow) with fibroblastic cell in the stroma (arrowhead); (D) NC group showed corneal epithelial vacuolation with cellular infiltration (arrow) and stromal edema; (E) NAV group showed marked epithelization of cornea. (H&E, bar =100 μm.)
Abbreviations: AV, aloe vera; Ep, epithelium; St, stroma; NC, normal control; NAV, normal aloe vera; DC, diabetic control; DAV, diabetic aloe vera; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin.