Literature search and analysis of primary journal articles on RAS receptors. The journal articles published on RAS were automatically retrieved from PubMed with the search term “(((((RAS[Title/Abstract]) AND angiotensin, or AT1 receptor, or AT2 receptor, or AT3 receptor, or AngIV binding site, or MAS1[Title/Abstract]) NOT medication adherence scale[Title/Abstract])”. The extracted references list had a total of 9147 reviews, opinions, commentary, lectures, and primary journal articles through the end of year 2013. The results were manually curated to retain relevant, nonredundant references. The primary journal articles were separated from the reviews, interviews, lectures, or commentary articles. The pool of these 7255 primary journal articles were further analyzed to illustrate number of publications under each RAS receptor as in the pie chart (A). The bar graph represents publication for each receptor/year (B). Python and Bio python scripts were used to aid in the literature search and analysis.