Figure 3. Comparison of the kinetics of GCaMP3, GCaMP6f and GCaMP3fast in neonatal cardiomyocytes.
Recorded by GCaMP3 ( ), GCaMP6f (
) and GCaMP3fast (
) are: (a) spontaneous whole-cell cytosolic Ca2+ signals in Ad-CMV-virus infected cells imaged confocally at 120 Hz (n ≥ 10); (b) expanded beats, marked by stars; (c) representative traces of Ca2+ release after application of 3 mM caffeine (n ≥ 9), imaged confocally at 30 Hz; (d) average values of 70% Ca2+ rise time in spontaneously beating cardiac myocytes; (e) average values of 70% Ca2+ decay time in spontaneously beating cardiac myocytes; (f) average values of 70% relaxation time after caffeine application; (g) Ca2+ current activated Ca2+ release (CICR) in voltage clamped neonatal cardiomyocytes (n ≥ 7), imaged confocally at 120 Hz. Cells are voltage clamped at −50 mV and depolarized to 0 mV; (h) average values of depolarization-activated 70% Ca2+ rise time; (i) average values of depolarization-activated 70% relaxation time.