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. 2015 Nov 3;6:560. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2015.00560

Table 1.

Studies directly comparing different sources of MSCs, reporting differences in immunomodulatory capacities.

Reference Populations compared Parameters Outcome
Bárcia et al. (26) BM, UC Immunomoda UC > BM
Immunogenicity UC < BM
Barlow et al. (9) BM, PL Proliferation PL > BM
Immunogenicity BM = PL
Castro-Manrreza et al. (27) BM, UCB, PL Immunomodb BM = UCB > PL
Hass et al. (7) BM, AT, UC Proliferation UC > AT > BM
Senescence UC < AT < BM
Ivanova-Todorova et al. (28) BM, AT Immunomodc AT > BM
Jin et al. (29) BM, AT, UCB Proliferation UCB > AT = BM
Immunomodd UCB > AT = BM
Senescence UCB < AT = BM
Kern et al. (5) BM, AT, UCB Proliferation UCB > AT > BM
Isolation success rate BM = AT > UCB
Colony frequency AT > BM > UCB
Li et al. (30) BM, AT, UC, PL Proliferation WJ > AT > PL > BM
Immunomode WJ > PL > AT > BM
Luan et al. (31) BM, PL Immunomodf BM = PL
Montespan et al. (32) BM, AT Immunomodg AT > BM
Najar et al. (33, 34) BM, AT, UC Immunomodh AT > BM = UC
Prasanna et al. (22) BM, WJ Immunogenicity BM = WJ
Immunomodi WJ ≠ BM
Puissant et al. (35) BM, AT Immunogenicity BM = AT
Immunomodj BM = AT
Ribeiro et al. (36) BM, AT, UC T/NK cell inhibition AT > BM = UC
B cell inhibition BM = AT (UC none)
Roemeling-van Rhijn et al. (37, 38) BM, AT Immunomodk BM = AT
Immunomodl AT < BM
Stubbendorf et al. (39) UCB, WJ, PL, UCL Proliferation UCL > UCB > WJ = PL
Immunomodm UCL > UCB = WJ = PL
Immunogenicity UCL ≤ PL ≤ WJ = UCB
Xishan et al. (12) BM, AT Proliferation AT > BM
Immunomodn BM > AT
Yoo et al. (40) BM, AT, UCB, WJ Immunomodf BM = AT = UCB = WJ
Cytokineso Only UCB and WJ

aMSCs + PBMCs/T cells. MLR assay to assess lymphocyte proliferation and immunogenicity. Flow cytometry to measure Treg induction. Comparative gene expression analysis.

bMSCs + T cells (±transwell). Proliferation assay for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Flow cytometry to assess T cell activation and CTLA-4 and PD-L1 expression. Multiplex assay to measure IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-10, and IL-4.

cMSCs + Monocytes. Flow cytometry to assess CD14, CD80, CD83, CD86, and HLA-DR. ELISA to measure IL-10 and IL-18. Proteome profile assay for 36 cytokines (e.g., CCL-3 and CCL-4).

dMSCs + LPS stimulated rat macrophages. ELISA to assess IL-1α, IL-6, and IL-8 and Ang-1.

eMSCs + T cells. T cell proliferation was assessed.

fMSCs + T cells. T cell proliferation assay. ELISA to assess IFN-γ and IL-10, or TNF-α.

gMSCs + PBMCs. Flow cytometry analysis for HLA-G. MLR assay to assess immunosuppression.

hMSCs + mitogenic/allogenic stimulated T cells. T cell activation and proliferation assays. Subset analysis for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. PCR for COX1 and COX2. ELISA for PGE2 MSCs + T cells. MSCs were primed with IFN-α, IFN-γ, TNF-α, or IL-1β or unstimulated. T cell proliferation assay. Flow cytometry to assess lymphocyte activation. ELISA for IFN-γ, IL-8, and CCL5. T cell migration assay.

iMSC + PBMCs stimulated with PHA or MLR; MSC primed with IFN-γ or TNF-α: immunogenicity and T cell proliferation; PBMC cytokine profiles, activation markers, and immune-suppressive factors (IDO, PGE2, HGF, CIITA).

jMSCs + PBMCs: MLR or mitogen-induced T cell proliferation, time- and dose-dependent suppression, dependent on soluble mediators (but most probably not TGF-β, HGF, and IL-10).

kMSCs + PBMCs: PBMC proliferation assay. PCR for IDO, TGF-β, and CXCL-10. Application of PBMCs and MSCs in an in vivo mouse allograft rejection model.

lMSCs and CD8+ T cells: induction of HLA-specific alloreactivity by MSC-educated CD8+ TC.

mMSCs stimulated with IFN-γ and MSCs + T cells. ELISA for IL-2, IL-10, and TGF-β1. Electrophoresis for IDO.

nMSCs + PHA stimulated T cells. Effects on T cell proliferation, MLR assay, T cell cycle, T cell apoptosis, early activation, and T cell subsets were assessed.

oMSC + PHA-stimulated T cells: cytokines: IL-12, IL-15, and PDGF-AA.

AT, adipose tissue; BM, bone marrow; MLR, mixed lymphocyte reaction; MSC, mesenchymal stromal cells; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PL, placenta; Treg, regulatory T cells; CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocytes; DC, dendritic cells UC, umbilical cord; UCB, umbilical cord blood; WJ, Wharton’s jelly.

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