Table 2.
Percentage of participants (n = 1705) classified to the same level of anticholinergic drug exposure by the different scales
Anticholinergic drug exposure scales# | Percentage of participants (n = 1705) |
ACB + ARS + ADS + DBI-ACH | 47.5 |
ACB + ARS + ADS | 7.3 |
ACB + ARS + DBI-ACH | 5.6 |
ACB + ADS + DBI-ACH | 3.7 |
ARS + ADS + DBI-ACH | 7.0 |
ACB + ARS | 6.2 |
ACB + ADS | 17.2 |
ACB + DBI-ACH | 2.0 |
ARS + ADS | 1.6 |
ARS + DBI-ACH | 18.4 |
ADS + DBI-ACH | 1.2 |
#ACB Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale, ARS Anticholinergic Risk Scale, ADS Anticholinergic Drug Scale, DBI-ACH Drug Burden Index-Anticholinergic.
Note Percentages cannot be totalled to 100% as there may be agreement between two different scale pairs for an individual participant.