Figure 5.
- Intra-pathway raw data, genetic interactions, and epistasis interactions of the cAMP/PKA pathway in heat stress. See caption of Fig3D for row and column epistasis.
- Reconstruction of the cAMP/PKA pathway based on our data and the literature. Node border color designates the effect of the gene on HSP12 expression (red and green for repressor and activator, resp.) according to the analysis of Fig5A.
- The levels of Hsp12-GFP after KCl stress are highly correlated with nuclear accumulation of Msn2-GFP in the same condition in knockouts of genes from the cAMP/PKA pathway. The only notable exception to this trend is the deletion of Ras1, supporting its Msn2/4-independent effect (Fig2B) and suggesting that this effect is cAMP independent.
- HSP12-GFP expression relative to WT in single and double mutants of the HOG MAPK pathway in five conditions (top). Msn2/4-dependent effects of HOG MAPK mutants in five conditions (bottom).
- Inter-pathway raw data, genetic interactions, and epistasis interactions of the Mediator complex and the cAMP/PKA, HOG MAPK pathways in KCl stress. See caption of Fig3D for row and column epistasis.
- Reconstruction of three-way crosstalk between the cAMP/PKA pathway, the HOG MAPK pathway, and the Mediator, based on our data and the literature. Node border color as in Fig5B.