The Effect of Age on the Effectiveness (A), Costs (B), and Cost Effectiveness (C) of
Colonoscopy Screening: Results for Average Risk Individuals with a Negative Screening
Colonoscopy 10 Years Prior and No Comorbidities (QALYs gained and costs per 1,000
individuals; 3% discounted).1
QALY = quality-adjusted life-year
1Detailed results on the effectiveness and costs of screening can be found in
Appendix 3.
2The effect of screening on quantity and quality of life incorporated in one
measure (i.e. the net health benefit of screening). A negative value indicates that
screening is associated with a net harm, rather than a net health benefit.
3The costs of screening and surveillance colonoscopies, complications of
colonoscopy, and overtreatment of CRC minus the savings associated with preventing CRC