Figure 8. Dietary sialyllactose and SDR decreased overall brain cell proliferation, but sialyllactose rescued the SDR-induced reduction in immature neurons.
Assessment for the average number of (A) BrdU positive cells per slice in the hippocampus. * indicates a significant main effect for diet (collapsed across control and stress conditions) with mice fed 6′-SL having fewer BrdU positive cells compared to mice fed control or 3′SL diets. (B) DCX positive cells per slice in the hippocampus. * indicates a significant difference between stressed animals and all other groups (p<.05). Images of BrdU (C-H) and DCX (I-N) positive cells were taken at 10× and 20× respectively. Control diet: n=8 HCC Control, n=7 SDR Stressor. 3′SL: n=9 HCC Control, n=7 SDR Stressor. 6′SL: n=9 HCC Control, n=9 SDR Stressor.