Figure 1.
Mossy fiber projection in hippocmapus. The mossy fiber projection consists of axons of the dentate gyrus (DG) granule cells. Mossy fiber axons project through (1) suprapyramidal bundle (SP-MF) in stratum lucidum as well as (2) intra- and infrapyramidal projection (IIP-MF) located mainly in stratum oriens. In CA3 and hilus MFs form three types of synapses: on pyramidal cells via mossy fiber butones and on local internurons via filopodia and en passant synapses. In hillus (3) MF axons synapse on excitatory mossy cells, which backpropagate excitation to granule cells. Additionally mossy fibers directly or via mossy cells excite local hilar parvalbumin-positive internurons (basket cells) that provide feedback inhibiton to granule cells mainly in distinct lamella across the septohippocampal axis (not shown). Mossy fibers in CA3 excite local interneurons that are responsible for feedforward inhibition of CA3 pyramidal cells. These local interneuurons (e.g., PV-positive basket cells) synapse on (5) PC soma or (4) PC denditic tree (e.g., somatostatin-positive interneurons).