Figure 5. CD44 deficiency reduces osteoclast funtion but not osteoblast in hindlimb-unloaded mice.
The CD44 mRNA level (A) and protein level (B) in whole bone tissues collected from the hindlimb-unloaded and age-matched control mice were determined. qPCR analysis of CD44 mRNA levels in Alp+ (C) and Oscar+ (D) cells isolated by FACS from bone marrow stromal cells in bilateral tibias and femurs of hindlimb-unloaded and control mice. Real-time PCR analysis the expression of osteoblast marker genes, Alp (E), Collagen I (F) and Bglap (G) and osteoclast marker genes, Mmp9 (H) and Trap (I)mRNA levels in tibias and femurs collected from WT-control (WT-Ctrl, n=6), WT-hindlimb-unloaded (WT-HS, n=6), CD44 KO-control (KO-Ctrl, n=8) and KO-hindlimb-unloaded (KO-HS, n=8) mice. All data are the mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.