(A) Gating strategy for the identification of macrophages in the tissues (defined as MAC387+ and/or CD163+) and bone marrow (defined as CD163+). (B) Representative tissue-resident macrophage and bone marrow myeloid precursor staining from Rh28450 and Rh29724. CD68 expression was examined from the colon of Rh29724 before and after LA treatment and found to have similar staining profiles at both time-points. T.O.D.,. (C) Frequency of CD163+ cells in the bone marrow before and after LA treatment showed a significant increase in monocyte precursor production. (D, Left) Tissue-resident macrophage frequency (percent change from baseline), before and after LA treatment, showed a significant decrease in the liver. (Right) Four of five RMs showed decreases in colon macrophages, although this was not significant as a result of a single animal exhibiting an increase in colon macrophage frequency. Significance tests were all Wilcoxon signed-rank. T.O.D., Time of death.