Table 1.
Reference table for the variables and parameters in system (2.1)–(2.5). See text for further details.
name | description |
variables that alter as the simulations progress | |
y | vertical coordinate of the solution profile |
z | horizontal coordinate of the solution profile |
vertical coordinate of the reference configuration | |
horizontal coordinate of the reference configuration | |
yc | vertical coordinate of the cortex |
zc | horizontal coordinate of the cortex |
θ | solution profile normal angle measured anticlockwise from the z-axis |
s | solution profile arc length |
σ | reference configuration arc length |
κs | longitudinal principal curvature |
κϕ | azimuthal principal curvature |
λs | arc length stretch ratio |
Ts=yts | scaled form of the surface tension, ts, along the arc length |
tϕ | surface tension along the azimuthal coordinate |
Qs=yqs | scaled form of the normal shear stress, qs |
parameters that are constant throughout a simulation | |
ΔP | pressure difference across the membrane |
C | concentration of adhesions |
F | adhesion force |
E | adhesion extension |
E0 | adhesion resting length |
Ec | adhesion breaking length |
κ | neo-Hookean spring constant |
α and β | intrinsic adhesion properties scaling the force–extension relationship |
η1 | rate of cortex retraction |
η2 | rate of membrane retraction |
ρ | radius of the initial reference configuration sphere |
σ0 | initial reference configuration arc length |
μ | relative extensibility of the membrane in the azimuthal and longitudinal directions |