Fig. 3.
Insertion and deletion detection. PNA melting point differences between perfect match and deletion or insertion were measured by melting point analysis. a Melting points of PNA probe and target oligonucleotide containing one to three insertions (Indel_1probe). b Melting points of PNA probe and target oligonucleotide containing one to three deletions (Indel_1probe). Melting points of PNA probes containing FAM (c), Indel_2probe), HEX (d), Indel_3probe), Texas-Red (e), Indel_4probe), or Cy5 (f), Indel_5probe) fluorescence and each reaction targets containing single insertion or deletion were analyzed after PCR reaction in a closed well reaction. PM, perfect match; 1Ins, single insertion; 2Ins, double insertion; 3Ins, triple insertion; 2Del, double deletion; 3Del, triple deletion; NTC, non-template control