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. 2015 Sep;6(9-10):422–427. doi: 10.18632/genesandcancer.79

Table 3. The SNP genotypes that are found in the combinations in cluster 1 and cluster 2.

genes Cluster 1. Cluster 2.
msh3 rs61516981,rs37978931, rs2453831, rs50085071, rs37978961, rs16507371, rs2453321, rs2453311, rs267792
atr rs117077310
atm rs2285891
nbn rs133129281, rs18058461, rs70063221, rs133129712, rs27353841 rs169019410, rs27353881, rs100908631, rs78400991, rs78292461, rs167861, rs7417771,rs69878731, rs132784531,rs22937751,rs18057931,rs18057941, rs18058411
xrcc5 rs2079231, rs2079380, rs2079430, rs92885161, rs168554892 rs8289091, rs8289111,rs7056491,rs8286991,rs8287011, rs8287021,rs2078761, rs2078781
mre11a rs5111841, rs118204301, rs134477191, rs134476821 rs5216691,rs5847071, rs5521261,rs30170771, rs5887011,rs5225961,rs5920681,rs6547181
prkdc rs81781071, rs81780991, rs81781761, rs81780571 rs69957561, rs70039081
rad50 rs65960842, rs27063571 rs27063381,rs22440121,rs27063471,rs22461761, rs121875371,rs25223941,rs21069841,rs177725831, rs22370601, rs20407041, rs20743691
xrcc6 rs1327742

Mismatch repair pathway: msh3. DNA damage response pathway: atr, atm. double strand breaks repair pathway: nbn, xrcc5, mre11a, prkdc, rad50, xrcc6. 0,1,2 after rs number shows genotype (0 homozygous for the major allele, 1 heterozygous, 2 homozygous for the minor allele).