Table 1.
Case | Institution | Tumour site | TOUSS setup (min) | Endo vision | Resect time (min) | Trach (days) | NG depend (days) | PTNM | Hospital stay (days) | Pain control | Cervico pharinx Comm. | Postop complic |
1 | HUM |
Hypopharynx Lateral wall Pyriform sinus |
32 | 2D | 150 | 10 | 10 |
T3N0M0 Est. III |
10 | 1 | No | No |
2 | HUM |
Larynx Supraglottic Valleculae |
25 | 2D | 120 | 28 | 28 |
T3N0M0 Est. III |
30 | 2 | No |
Postop bleeding (CO2 laser resection area) |
3 | HUH |
Oropharynx Posterior-lateral Hypopharyngeal ext |
12 | 2D | 120 |
+ (still open) |
Gastrostomy |
T2N1M0 Est. III |
43 | 2 | Yes | No |
4 | HUH |
Supraglottic Supraglottis Pyriform sinus |
17 | 2D | 104 | − | 14 |
T2N0M0 Est. II |
14 | 2 | No | No |
5 | HUM |
Hypopharynx Pyriform sinus |
13 | 2D | 64 | − | 13 |
T2N0M0 Est. II |
13 | 2 | No | No |
6 | MDA |
Oropharynx Soft palate Posterolateral |
15 | 3D | 92 | TL | 21 |
T4bN0M1 Est. IV 2nd primary |
14 | 2 | Yes | Left internal jugular vein thrombosis |
7 | HUH |
Oropharynx Soft palate Tonsil |
15 | 3D | 32 | TL | − |
T1N0M0 Est. I |
1 | 1 | No | No |
8 | HUC |
Oropharynx Tonsil |
25 | 3D | 18 | − | 10 |
T2N2bM0 Est. IV |
10 | 2 | Yes | Postop bleeding |
9 | MDA |
Oropharynx Tongue base |
8 | 2D | 27 | − | 3 |
T1N2cM0 Est. IV |
10 | 2 | No | No |
10 | HUH |
Oropharynx Tonsil Tongue base |
10 | 2D | 45 | 7 | 5 |
T1N0M0 Est. I 3rd primary |
9 | 1 | Yes | No |
11 | MDA |
Oropharynx/ Oral cavity Post oral tongue Tongue base |
5 | 2D | 8 | 0 | − |
T1N0M0 Est. I |
3 | 2 | No | No |
Pain control 0—no medication needed, 1—mild: pain controlled with 1 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, 2—moderate: pain controlled with combination of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and/or addition of steroids, 3—severe: pain controlled with opiates, 4–uncontrollable pain
HUM Hospital Universitario Mostoles, HUH Hospital Universitario Henares, MDA MD Anderson Internacional, HUC Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, Min minutes, Endo vision endoscopic vision, Resect time resection time, Trach. tracheostomy, NG depend nasogastric tube dependence, Blood trans blood transfusion, Cervico pharinx comm cervicopharyngeal communication, Postop complic postoperative complications, TL previous total laryngectomy