Figure 1. Molecular architecture of the LytB glucosaminidase from S. pneumoniae R6.
(a) Scheme of LytB domain composition. Red hexagon represents the GH73 domain (LytBGH73), yellow and salmon ellipses the SH3b (LytBSH3b) and WW (LytBWW) domains, respectively, which conform LytBCAT. Blue rectangles represent the CBRs of the CBD domain (LytBCBD). Numbers indicate the beginning and the end of each domain. (b) Cartoon representation of LytBCAT comprising LytBGH73, LytBWW and LytBSH3b domains coloured in red, salmon and yellow, respectively. Acidic residues mutated to alanine are shown in stick representation except for Asp607 which is located in the flexible region of LytBGH73 and does not appear the X-ray structure (carbon atoms in blue, oxygen in red and nitrogen in blue). Non substituted acidic residues of LytBCAT located out of the substrate binding groove are depicted in with carbon atoms in green.