Blocking anthocyanin biosynthesis in Del/Ros1 tomato using VIGS and natural mutants alters the susceptibility to B. cinerea. A, Susceptibility of different VIGS fruit to B. cinerea infection. Fruit were harvested at 14 d post breaker. For VIGS fruit, infection was done on silenced sectors. Lesion diameters were measured at 3 dpi. Error bars indicate se (n = 10). Different letters indicate significantly different lesion size values at P < 0.05 (one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s posthoc test). B, Susceptibility of different fruit to B. cinerea infection. Fruit were harvested at 14 d post breaker. Lesion diameters were measured at 3 dpi. Error bars indicate se (n = 10). Different letters indicate significantly different values at P < 0.05 (one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s posthoc test). MM, MoneyMaker; WT, wild type.