CLDs and β-CLDs of starch from Arabidopsis leaves, maize leaves, and potato tuber and glycogen from E. coli. Starch/glycogen was debranched either without (A–C) or with (D–F) prior treatment with an excess of β-amylase. The resultant linear chains were separated and detected by HPAEC-PAD. Peak areas in the ranges given were summed, and the relative peak area for each chain length was calculated. Values are the means ± se from three or four biological replicates. A and D, CLDs and β-CLDs of Arabidopsis and maize leaf starches. B and E, CLDs and β-CLDs of Arabidopsis leaf and potato tuber starches. The data for Arabidopsis (the WS wild type) are the same as in A and D. C and F, CLDs and β-CLDs of Arabidopsis leaf starch and E. coli glycogen. The data for Arabidopsis are from a different batch of WS wild-type plants that were analyzed at the same time as the E. coli glycogen.