AtJAC1 influences flowering through the regulation of FLC transcript level. A, Transcript levels of key flowering genes in atjac1 mutants and AtJAC1-OE plants (normalized to Ubiquitin C [UBC], a reference gene for quantitative PCR [qPCR]). Data are means ± sd of three parallel samples from one replicate, and three biological repeats were performed. B, Morphological phenotypes and rosette leaf numbers in AtJAC1-OE/flc-20 under LD conditions. Statistical analysis was done by Student’s t test in A; atjac1 mutants were compared with Col, whereas AtJAC1-OE lines were compared with C24 (vector). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ns, no significant change. Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) test was used for B, and different letters indicate statistically significant differences.