STG1b negatively regulates immune responses in bon1. A, Growth defect in bon1 is enhanced by the sgt1b mutation. Shown are plants of wild-type Col-0, sgt1b, bon1, and bon1 sgt1b at 5 weeks old. B, PR1 gene expression in bon1 is enhanced by the sgt1b mutation. Shown is the relative expression of PR1 in Col-0, bon1, sgt1b, and bon1 sgt1b plants assayed by qRT-PCR. Error bars represent sds (Student’s t test; ***P < 0.001). C, Partial rescue of bon1 growth defect by overexpressing the SGT1b gene. Shown are plants of the wild-type Col-0, bon1, and two individual T2 lines (lines 1 and 6) of SGT1b-OE/bon1. D, Partial suppression of enhanced resistance against the virulent bacterial strain Pst DC3000 in bon1 by SGT1b overexpression. Shown are bacterial growths in Col-0, bon1, and SGT1b-OE/bon1 plants via dipping inoculation at 0 and 3 DPI. Values represent averages of three biological repeats, and error bars represent sds. Letters indicate statistical difference (P < 0.001; Bonferonni posttest) of different genotypes. E, Growth phenotype of snc1 overexpressing the SGT1b gene. Shown are wild-type Col-0, snc1, and two independent lines (lines 38 and 2) of SGT1b-OE/snc1.