Figure 1. Let-7 miRNAs are highly expressed during myelination and inversely correlated to Lin28B expression.
(a) Forty most abundant miRNAs in the SN of wild-type mice at PN4 corrected for values in SN of PN4 mice with SC-specific deletion of Dicer (Dicer KO; see the Methods section). (b) Mean levels of abundant let-7 isoforms and the Lin28-dependent miR-98-5p at embryonic day (ED) 17.5, PN1, PN4, PN10, PN30 and PN60 in SN of wild-type mice in reads per million (r.p.m.). (c) Levels of Lin28B mRNA and of mature let-7f-5p and let-7i-5p during SN development in wild-type mice, normalized to GAPDH mRNA for Lin28B and to snoRNA-202 for let-7 miRNAs (n=3 mice per time point). (d) Cumulative distribution of differential expression of all expressed mRNAs and let-7 targets, predicted with TargetScan (TS) or miRWalk (MW), in Dicer KO versus control SN at PN1. The rightward shifts in the curves for targets indicate enrichment compared with all expressed mRNAs. (e) Hmga2 mRNA levels during wild-type mouse SN development (n=3 mice per time point). Error bars: s.e.m. (c,e). One-way ANOVA with Dunnett's multiple comparison test **P<0.01 (e).