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. 2015 Sep 2;2(10):1394–1404. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.08.040

Table 1.

Characteristics of the 39 primary research studies on AD and all-cause mortality included in the meta-analyses.

Study Sex Location Study design Baseline age of subjects (years) Time period Maximum follow-up (years) Number of alcohol-dependent individuals Setting and subjects Definition of AD Comparison groups used
Berglund and Tunving (1985) M Sweden Prospective cohort Mean 42 1960 to 1980 20 257 Alcoholics treated at the outpatient alcoholic unit at the University Hospital, Lund NR AD vs general population
Campos et al. (2011) M, F Spain Retrospective cohort 18 to 89 1996 to 2006 10 1265 Admissions to a university hospital in Spain who were either admitted for alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) or developed AWS during admission ICD-9-CM AWS AD vs general population
de Lint and Levinson (1975) M, F Canada Prospective cohort 20 to 74 1969 to 1974 5 154 Admissions to the Donwood Institute who were addicted primarily to alcohol Addicted primarily to alcohol AD vs general population
De Silva and Ellawala (1994) M Sri Lanka Prospective cohort Mean 39 1986 to 1991 6 188 Alcohol-dependent men admitted to the Sumithrayo Rehabilitation Unit World Health Organization (WHO) 1951 definition (“an excessive intake of alcohol leading to physical, psychological or social harm”) AD vs general population; AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Denison et al. (1997) M Sweden Prospective cohort ≥ 20 1986 to 1991 5 1049 Alcohol-dependent men treated as inpatients in the detoxification ward at the University Psychiatric Clinic, Lillhagen Hospital, Göteborg DSM-III-R AD AD vs general population
Feuerlein et al. (1994) M, F Germany Prospective cohort ≥ 20 1981 to 1985 4 1401 Alcoholics treated at 21 different treatment centres in West Germany NR AD vs general population
Finney and Moos (1991) M, F USA Prospective cohort NR NR 8 113 Alcoholic patients treated in one of five residential facilities who returned to family settings NR AD vs general population; AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Gerdner and Berglund (1997) M, F Sweden Prospective cohort 26 to 63 1985 to 1994 8.5 116 Patients competing a five-week Alcoholics Anonymous-oriented programme at Runnagarden Social Welfare Institution AD (diagnostic criteria NR) AD vs general population; AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Gillis (1969) M, F South Africa Prospective cohort 20 to 74 1959 to 1965 6 802 Chronic alcoholic white patients admitted to three treatment centres in South Africa Chronic addictive alcoholics AD vs general population
Gual et al. (2009) M, F Spain Prospective cohort 18 to 55 1987 to 2008 20 850 Alcohol-dependent patients who had accepted to enter a treatment programme, and who had a stable home with at least one other family member DSM-III AD AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Haver et al. (2009) F Sweden Prospective cohort Mean 42.5 1981 to 2007 25 420 Subjects receiving their first treatment at the Early Treatment for Women with Alcohol Addiction programme at Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm Alcohol addiction AD vs general population
Hiroeh et al. (2008) M, F Denmark Retrospective cohort ≥ 15 1973 to 1993 21 NR (275,874 person-years) All Danish adults aged 15 years or over, identified through the Danish Civil Registration System ICD-8 alcoholism AD vs general population
John et al. (2013) M, F Germany Prospective cohort 18 to 64 1996 to 2010 14 147 Random sample of the general population of Germany DSM-IV AD AD vs general population; AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Johnson (2001) M, F UK Retrospective cohort 47 to 74 1978 to 1998 20 100 Subjects who attended the Robert Smith Unit, a day centre for the treatment of alcohol problems in Bristol, as part of their first referral for treatment ICD-10 AD AD vs general population
Mackenzie et al. (1986) M USA Prospective cohort Mean 41 1969 to 1979 8.2 85 Male alcoholics who had participated in the Francis Scott Key Medical Center inpatient alcoholism research programme NR AD vs general population
Markkula et al. (2012) M, F Finland Prospective cohort 30 to 70 2000 to 2008 8 6372 Participants in the Health 2000 Study, a nationally representative sample of Finnish people DSM-IV AD AD vs alcohol abuse
Marshall et al. (1994) M UK Prospective cohort 39 to 43 1968 to 1990 20 99 Married men with a diagnosis of alcoholism but no psychotic illness, who attended the specialist alcohol problems clinic at Maudsley Hospital, London NR AD vs general population
Martin et al. (1985b) M, F USA Prospective cohort 14 to 84 1967 to 1979 12 70 Outpatients admitted to the Washington University Psychiatry Clinic Similar to Feighner Criteria AD vs general population
Mattisson et al. (2011) M, F Sweden Prospective cohort Median 27 (M)/16 (F) 1947 to 1997 50 208 The Lundby Cohort, comprising all subjects living in Lundby District DSM-IV AD AD vs alcohol abuse
Min et al. (2008) M, F South Korea Nested case–control 22 to 82 1998 to 2004 6 59 Adults living in Guyrae-myon village ≥ 16 on the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ) for men; ≥ 10 on the SADQ for women AD vs no AUDs
Moos et al. (1994) M, F USA Prospective cohort ≥ 55 1986 to 1991 4 12,309 AD patients in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers ICD-9-CM AD AD vs general population
Murphy et al. (2008) M, F Canada Prospective cohort 18 to 88 1952 to 1992 40 NR Heads of household in Stirling County Psychiatric diagnosis of alcoholism with high confidence AD vs general population
Neumark et al. (2000) M, F USA Prospective cohort ≥ 18 1981 to 1996 14 284 Adult household residents living in the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area DSM-III AD AD vs no AUDs
Noda et al. (2001) M Japan Prospective cohort 21 to 77 1972 to 1992 20 306 Patients diagnosed with alcoholism at a psychiatric institution Alcoholism (Japanese Committee for the Diagnosis of Alcoholism criteria) AD vs general population
Pell and D'Alonzo (1973) M, F USA Prospective cohort Median 51.1 1963 to 1969 5 899 Active or retired (with pension) employees of the DuPont company Persons who exhibit alcohol dependency, drinking patterns and behavioural characteristics such as disturbed personal relations and impaired work efficiency, that clearly demonstrate they are chronic, uncontrolled alcoholics AD vs no AUDs; AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Perälä et al. (2010) M, F Finland Prospective cohort ≥ 30 2000 to 2008 8 443 Participants in the Health 2000 Study, a nationally representative sample of Finnish people DSM-IV AD AD vs no AUDs
Poser et al. (1992) M, F Germany Prospective cohort Mean 28.7 1974 to 1991 17 620 Patients with known AD who had any contact with the psychiatric or neurological department of the University Hospital of Göttingen for therapy or expert opinion DSM-III AD AD vs general population
Rankin et al. (1970) M, F Australia Prospective cohort NR 1964 to 1969 4.75 56 Alcoholics with cirrhosis, attending the Alcoholism Clinic at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne NR AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Saieva et al. (2012) M, F Italy Prospective cohort 14 to 93 1985 to 2006 21.7 2272 Alcoholic residents of Tuscany, treated at the Alcohol Centre of Florence ICD-9 AD AD vs general population
Schmidt and de Lint (1969) M, F Canada Prospective cohort ≥ 15 1951 to 1966 14 6514 Patients admitted to the Toronto Clinic of the Addiction Research Foundation NR AD vs general population
Smith et al. (1983) F USA Prospective cohort 18 to 67 1967 to 1980 11 103 Women diagnosed with alcoholism at two psychiatric hospitals in the St. Louis area Feighner Criteria AD vs general population; AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Storbjörk and Ullman (2012) M, F Sweden Prospective cohort Mean 43.3 2000 to 2008 8 929 Patients from 21 treatment units, who started treatment for AD that they had not previously been given at the same treatment unit during the previous six months ICD-10 AD AD vs no AUDs
Tashiro and Lipscomb (1963) M, F USA Prospective cohort 20 to 79 1954 to 1958 5 1692 Individuals admitted to four alcoholism treatment facilities in California NR AD vs general population
Thorarinsson (1979) M Iceland Prospective cohort Mean 37 1951 to 1974 23 2863 First-admission alcoholic males treated as either an outpatient or an inpatient at one of three clinics, or identified as attending a private clinic by the Psychiatric Register of Iceland NR AD vs general population
Vaillant et al. (1983) M, F USA Prospective cohort NR 1972 to 1980 8 110 Patients admitted for alcohol withdrawal to the inpatient ward at the Cambridge and Somerville Program for Alcohol Rehabilitation at the Cambridge Hospital Patients with alcohol withdrawal who required ≥ 750 mg of chlorodiazepoxide during detoxification or who revealed signs of severe withdrawal such as seizures or delirium tremens during prior admissions AD with continued heavy drinking vs reduced intake
Vaillant (2003) M USA Prospective cohort 9 to 20 1940 to 2000 23 91 College cohort: Male Harvard University sophomores selected for a study of normal development, with no known physical or mental illness at baseline
Core city cohort: Men studied from early adolescence as a non-delinquent community control group for a study of institutionalised juvenile delinquents
DSM-III AD AD vs no AUDs; AD vs alcohol abuse
Wallerstedt et al. (1995) M Sweden Prospective cohort 17 to 79 1980 to 1987 7 52 Patients in the medical, surgical and orthopaedic wards of the Ostra Hospital, Göteborg Patients with presence of one or more of the following criteria: interview reports of altered reactions to alcohol or notes on alcohol addiction in their case files; treatment for alcohol addiction at a psychiatric clinic; registration by the social authorities for alcohol addiction AD vs general population
Wells and Walker (1990) M, F New Zealand Prospective cohort ≥ 15 1972 to 1984 11 616 Alcoholic patients admitted to Mahu Clinic, Sunnyside Hospital, Christchurch NR AD vs general population
Yoshino et al. (1997) M Japan Prospective cohort Mean 50.1 1989 to 1996 3 74 Alcoholics hospitalised at the Komagino Hospital Alcoholism Treatment Unit for a detoxification and rehabilitation programme DSM-III AD AD vs alcohol abuse

AD, alcohol dependence; AWS, alcohol withdrawal syndrome; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; F, female; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; M, male; NR, not reported; SADQ, Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire; WHO, World Health Organization.