Table 3.
Content | Format | |
Original PEM | Lots of Detail - Thorough - Good background information - Nice narrative Too Much Information - Information that is not relevant to patient care - Too much information in tables - Overwhelming - Too much introductory/background information Purpose Not Clear - Objective of PEM not specified Vague Conclusions - Vague and not actionable in practice Tables - Too much statistical data - Not clear |
Hard to Read - Too much text - Dense prose - Difficult to skim - Difficult to pick out key points - No bullets - Requires concentration to read - Hard to use in practice Unorganized Layout - Poorly formatted - Tables disrupt flow of text - Insufficient white space Tables - Cluttered - Inconsistent formatting Graphic on First Page - No legend, title, or explanation - Confusing - Childish - Distracting from the information - However, - Draws attention to the PEM - Artistic Color - Colors do not match - Too many colors, too busy Visual Appeal - Bright and colorful - Attracts attention - Larger font - Good use of headings |
Redesigned PEM | Key Messages - Three easy to read bullets - Make purpose of PEM clear - Helpful for quick reference Conclusion - Useful - Brief and clear Not Specific Enough - More specific dosing information - No information on patient care - Key messages too vague Tables - Tables difficult to understand - Statistical data difficult to interpret Layout - Box on harms below conclusion was confusing Useful in Practice |
Tables - Rows not organized by magnitude of harms - Tables difficult to understand - Text too small Layout - Lacking flow from section to section Visually Appealing - Use of white space - Use of soft colors - Not visually overwhelming - Small graphics (stethoscope) used to highlight key areas Easy to Read - Easy to identify key information - Easy to skim or scan PEM - Uses bullet points and point form - Layout is easy to follow - Color coding used to match text to tables - Not too much information, less complex - Tables have fewer, easier to interpret statistics Layout - Use of boxes for additional information - Tables all on one page - Division of text by study type Small Font Useful in Practice |