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. 2015 Nov 6;10(11):e0141695. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141695

Table 1. Ever Smoker Patient data.

Sample Site a Sex Age Tobacco/Betel b Ethanol c Path. Stage Grade d Immune State
OSCC110 T M 50 Bet+Tob None T2N0M0 Well Diff Norm
OSCC129 LG M 52 F-Tob L/M T1N0M0 Well Diff Norm
OSCC329 LG M 59 F-Tob None T4aN0M0 Poorly Diff Norm
OSCC359 T M 61 Tob Heavy T4N2cM0 Mod Diff Norm
OSCC416 T M 61 Tob L/M TcisN0M0 N/A Norm
OSCC449 LG F 62 Tob None T4NoM0 Mod Diff Norm
OSCC466 T M 64 Tob Heavy T2N0M0 Poorly Diff HIV positive
OSCC485 FOM M 56 Tob None T4aN2bM0 Mod Diff Norm
Sample Site Sex Age Tobacco/Betel Ethanol Path. Finding Immune State
BL117 LM F 46 Tob L/M Canicular Adenoma Norm
BL129 Bu M 27 Tob None Ameloblastoma Norm
BL149 LG F 54 F-Tob None Hyperkeratosis Norm
BL319 T F 33 Tob L/M Granular Cell Tumor Norm
BL367 Bu M 44 ST None Hyperkeratosis, Mucositis Norm
BL474 LG F 77 F-Tob L/M Fibrous hyperplasia Norm
BL482 T M 58 Tob L/M Hyperkeratosis Norm
BL490 UG M 51 Tob L/M Fibrous Hyperplasia Norm
BL495 UG M 60 Tob None Hyperkeratosis Norm

aT, tongue; LG/UG lower/upper gingiva; FOM, floor of mouth; Bu, buccal mucosa, LM, lip mucosa.

bTob, Tobacco user; if former user than F-Tob.; Bet, betel use; ST, smokeless tobacco user

c L/M, light to moderate intake of ethanol up to 50 grams per day, Heavy, intake of ethanol > 50 g/day.

d well differentiated, Well Diff; moderately differentiated, Mod Diff; Poorly differentiated, Poorly Diff