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. 2015 Jun 3;30(12):1828–1836. doi: 10.1007/s11606-015-3417-0

Table 5.

Logistic Regression Results Examining the Relationship between the Patient-Centered Medical Home and Types of Mental Health Services, Conditional on Any Mental Health Visit

Probability of mental health service use*
Usual provider PCMH Marginal effect§
Type of mental health service % (SE) % (SE) Δ (95 % CI)
Counseling or psychotherapy 59.7 (2.8) 69.7 (4.1) 10.0 (1.0, 19.0)
Psychiatric medication 85.2 (1.9) 82.6 (3.3) −2.5 (−9.7, 4.6)

Abbreviations: PCMH patient-centered medical home

*Predicted probability estimated from a multivariate logistic regression model. Control variables included age, race/ethnicity, gender, nativity, marital status, mental health ratings, number of chronic conditions, physical health functioning, geographic residence, education, type of insurance, income, and survey year

†"Usual provider" defined as a usual primary care provider or clinic that did not meet all PCMH criteria (accessible, comprehensive, and patient-centered)

‡"PCMH" defined as a usual primary care provider or clinic that delivered accessible, comprehensive, patient-centered services

§Marginal effects indicates the difference in predicted probability of mental health service use for patients with a PCMH vs. a usual provider only, holding covariates at their observed value