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. 2015 Oct 6;17(10):e17865. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.17865

Table 2. Correlation Coefficients of Gravidity, Parity and Postpartum depression at Week 6, Family Support (Admit), Diastolic Blood Pressure, Age and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Admit) With Mean Score of PTSD (Week 6).

Variables PTSD
Values a Median (Min - Max) Spearman Correlation Coefficients (rs) P Value b
Gravidity 2.0 ± 1.4 1 (1 - 9) 0.197 0.04
Parity 0.8 ± 1.2 0 (0 - 8) 0.216 0.031
Postpartum Depression week 6 11.2 ± 5.7 10 (2 - 28) 0.426 0.001
Family support (admit) 91.9 ± 22.1 90 (44 - 140) 0.236 0.018
Diastolic blood pressure (admit) 95.0 ± 6.5 90 (90 - 120) 0.230 0.021
PTSD (admit) 2.9 ± 1.1 3 (1 - 5) -0.461 0.001
Age c 27.1 ± 5.1 27 (18 - 44) -0.058 0.564

a Data are presented as mean ± SD.

b S: P < 0.05, NS: P > 0.05.

c Normal variable.