Figure 6.
Clinical study, Path A: (a) The dashed rings (L1, L2, and L3) show the location of MPDCs moving towards the RotA which is represented by a solid ring (LRotA); the direction of the first activated bipole is indicated in the figure with arrows and is B9, B7, and B8 for L1, L2, and L3, respectively. The filled circle represents bipole 1 of each MPDC. (b) A single cycle from the electrograms obtained at each of L1, L2, and L3 and LRotA are shown along with the corresponding TCD reported at the top of each electrogram and the first activated bipoles are indicated by the asterisks. The bipole electrode numbers 1 to 10 corresponding to each lead are indicated beside every bipole. RPVs: right pulmonary veins; LPVs: left pulmonary veins. † Voltage scaling decreased 4×. ‡ Voltage scaling decreased 2×.