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. 2015 Dec;7(6):234–246. doi: 10.1177/1759720X15601805

Table 1.

Pivotal trials of biologic therapies in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Therapeutic target Drug under investigation Pivotal clinical trials Current status
Chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody Rituximab Failed to meet primary endpoints in LUNAR (nephritis) and EXPLORER (non-nephritis) phase III studies. Phase III trial of rituximab and mycophenolate mofetil with corticosteroid minimizing regimen ongoing
Humanized anti-CD22 monoclonal antibody (nondepleting) Epratuzumab Safe and well tolerated ALLEVIATE study EMBLEM studies Phase III study ongoing
Humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody Ocrelizumab BELONG study terminated due to a high incidence of opportunistic infections No studies ongoing
TACI-Ig fusion protein Atacicept Phase II study terminated due to risk of serious infections Phase II trial (ADDRESS II) ongoing
Humanized anti-BLyS monoclonal antibody Belimumab BLISS-52 and BLISS-76 showed efficacy excluding severe renal and neuropsychiatric disease Phase III trial in lupus nephritis ongoing trial of belimumab following rituximab induction therapy planned
Humanized anti-BAFF monoclonal antibody Blisibimod Safe and well tolerated in early phase trials Phase III study ongoing
Humanized anti-BAFF monoclonal antibody Tabalumab ILLUMINATE 1: failed to meet primary endpoint ILLUMINATE 2: effective at higher study dose To be determined
CTL4-Ig fusion protein Abatacept Failed phase II trial in nonrenal lupus. Phase III trial in lupus nephritis failed. Subgroup analysis using different outcome measures showed positive results however. Further phase III trial pending
Humanized anti-IL6 monoclonal antibody Tocilizumab Well tolerated in phase I trial To be determined
Humanized anti-IL6 monoclonal antibody Sirukumab Not efficacious in reducing proteinuria, increased risk of infection No studies ongoing
Humanized anti-IFNα monoclonal antibody Rontalizumab Failed phase II study No studies ongoing
Humanized anti-IFNα monoclonal antibody Sifalimumab Well tolerated and efficacious in phase 2b trial To be determined
Humanized anti-IFNα receptor 1 monoclonal antibody Anifrolumab Significant impact on interferon gene signature Phase III trial planned

BAFF, B-cell activating factor; BLyS, B lymphocyte stimulator; CTL4-Ig,cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 immunoglobulin; IFNα, interferon α; IL6, interleukin 6; TACI-Ig, transmembrane activator and calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor immunoglobulin.