Figure 4.
CoIII-Ebox treatment alleviated the HRG-induced increase in mesenchymal marker expression in breast cancer cells. A) Fluorescence microscopy images of immunostained SKBR3 and MCF7 cells showing red (Cy5) fluorescence, indicating fibronectin expression in response to HRG. No fibronectin-associated fluorescence was observed following co-treatment with CoIII-Ebox. Scale bar: 200 μm. Relative quantification of B) SKBR3 cells and C) MCF7 cells showed a time-dependent increase in fibronectin in response to HRG. This effect was alleviated when co-treated with CoIII-Ebox (■). Data are represented as means ± S.E.M., n =3. Student’s t-tests determined statistical significance from control treatment groups (
) where *P<0.05 and **P <0.005. D) Gel zymograms of SKBR3 and MCF7 cells showed a time-dependent increase in MMP-9 activity in response to HRG. The effects of HRG were alleviated by co-treatment with CoIII-Ebox.