Electrophoretic analysis of the RT-PCR product from segment 2 of EHDV isolates using
IBAV-specific (A), EHDV serotype 1-specific (B) and IBAV 1997 variant-specific (C)
primer pairs. Each primer set expectedly generates a specific product with the lengths
617, 919 and 370 bp, respectively. Lanes: 1, KS-1/E/13; 2, KS-2/E/13; 3, KS-5/P/13; 4,
KS-7/E/13; 5, KS-8/E/13; 6, Ibaraki-2 (positive control for IBAV); 7, Kawanabe
(positive control for EHDV serotype 1); 8, KSB-14/E/97 (positive control for IBAV 1997
variant); 9, negative water control; M, 100 bp DNA ladder.