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. 2015 May 31;9(5):1–6. doi: 10.3941/jrcr.v9i5.2434

Table 1.

Summary table of internal carotid artery web.

Etiology The prevailing theory is that carotid webs are a rare form of fibromuscular dysplasia. An atherosclerotic or developmental origin has also been proposed.
Incidence To our knowledge, our case is only the third reported ultrasound case in the imaging literature, and the first one with CT angiogram correlation.
Gender ratio No known gender predilection
Age predilection Not known
Risk factors Not known
Treatment Management of carotid webs ranges from conservative treatment in low-risk asymptomatic cases to balloon dilatation, surgical excision or stent grafting in symptomatic and high-risk cases. Some surgeons advocate patch angioplasty in addition to endarterectomy to prevent recurrence or regrowth of the tissue.
Prognosis Conservative medical therapy is indicated for asymptomatic cases because the available data (which is sparse) suggest a benign natural history for this disease.
Findings on imaging Greyscale ultrasound shows a band of tissue which projects into the vessel lumen resulting in focal narrowing of the carotid artery. Color Doppler demonstrates a high flow jet and aliasing at the carotid web, where it narrows the carotid lumen. Intravenous contrast-enhanced CT angiography of the carotid artery shows a focal filling defect corresponding to a band of tissue within the lumen of the carotid artery.