Figure 8.
35 year old male with heterotaxy polysplenia (left isomerism) syndrome (a) VR image showing the replaced common hepatic artery (HA) arising from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). Splenic artery (SpA) is passing to the right side. Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) is directed to the right.(b) Axial image showing the reversal of position of SMA and SMV. (c) Coronal image showing intestinal rotational anomaly with small bowel loops occupying the left side and the ileocaecal junction in the left iliac fossa to the left of midline. Ascending colon is present on the left side and descending colon on the right suggested by the direction of SMA (large arrow) and IMA (small arrow) (Protocol: GE Optima 660, 64 channel, mAs 250, kV 120, slice thickness 0.625 mm; Contrast material: 85 ml Omnipaque 350 mg I/ml injected at a rate of 5 ml/s)