Fig. 4.
Graphs showing SSTR expression of H69 tumours treated with temozolomide (TMZ) and tumour uptake of 111In-octreotide. a Quantification of somatostatin receptor (SSTR) density in frozen sections of H69 tumours as determined by 111In-octreotide in vitro autoradiography. The amount of radioactivity is expressed in density light units (DLU) per square millimetre. SSTR expression was quantified at day 0, day 14 (1 day after TMZ treatment), and day 28 when tumours reached a minimal volume after TMZ treatment. Three tumours/day were examined. b Based on SPECT images, the average tumour concentration of 111In-octreotide was determined 24 h after administration. Mice were treated with TMZ from day 0 until day 13