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. 2015 Oct 27;2015:917567. doi: 10.1155/2015/917567


Probability parameters (1-year cycle)a Base-case value Range (95% CI) Probability distributionb Sources
Remission in AZA group
 Probability of lupus-related death during remission Age-dependentg n/a n/a Bernatsky et al. 2006 [27]; Arias 2011 [28]; Cochrane 2012 [13]
 Probability of ESRD during remission 0.0061 0.0012–0.0317 Beta (35.9, 11,927.1) Cochrane 2012 [13]
 Probability of relapse during remission 0.0716 0.0463–0.1140 Beta (5106.9, 135,192.3) Cochrane 2012 [13]
Remission in MMF group
 Probability of lupus-related death during remission Age-dependentf n/a n/a Bernatsky et al. 2006 [27]; Arias 2011 [28]; Cochrane 2012 [13]
 Probability of ESRD during remission 0.0025 0.0005–0.0125 Beta (16.6, 6771.3) Cochrane 2012 [13]
 Probability of relapse during remission 0.0367 0.0244–0.0564 Beta (16.0, 419.5) Cochrane 2012 [13]
Relapse in MMF group
 Probability of lupus-related death during relapse Age-dependente n/a n/a Bernatsky et al. 2006 [27]; Arias 2011 [28]
 Probability of ESRD during relapse 0.1183 0.0455–0.2910 Beta (491.1, 3670.9) Cochrane 2012 [13]
 Probability of complete and partial remissions 0.8319 0.6613–0.9313 Beta (45.7, 9.2) Cochrane 2012 [13]
Relapse in AZA group
 Probability of lupus-related death during relapse Age-dependente n/a n/a Bernatsky et al. 2006 [27]; Arias 2011 [28]
 Probability of ESRD during relapse 0.1183c 0.0455–0.2910 Beta (491.1, 3670.9) Cochrane 2012 [13]
 Probability of complete and partial remissions 0.8319c 0.6613–0.9313 Beta (45.7, 9.2) Cochrane 2012 [13]
ESRD due to lupus nephritis
 Probability of death due to lupus nephritis ESRD Age-dependentd n/a n/a USRDS 2012 [20]; Sule et al. 2011 [29]

AZA: azathioprine; MMF: mycophenolate mofetil; CYC: cyclophosphamide; ESRD: end stage renal disease; CI: confidence interval.

aProbabilities from the data sources were reported over various follow-up durations. Probabilities were converted to rates and then to 6-month probabilities [15]. First, the probabilities were converted to yearly rates (event per patient per year) using the equation r = − (1/t)ln⁡(1 − P), where r = rate; t = time in years; P = probability of an event occurring during time t.

These annual rates were then converted to 6-month probabilities using the equation P = 1 − e rt, where r = one-year rate; t = time in years; P = probability of an event occurring during time t.

bBeta distributions are characterized by (α, β).

cProbability based on MMF for relapse in either AZA- or MMF-based regimen.

dThe age-specific annual mortality rate for the general dialysis population in 2011 [20] is multiplied by hazard ratio (HR) 1.7. In a USRDS study, Sule et al. found that adult patients with ESRD secondary to SLE were at increased risk of death compared with other adult patients (HR 1.7; 95% CI 1.2–2.7) [29]. Conversion between rates and probabilities as noted above.

eIn the relapse state for both MMF and AZA strategies, the rate of lupus-related death is derived from age-specific annual mortality rate in the general population [28] multiplied by a standardized mortality ratio (SMR) 7.9. In a cohort of 9,547 SLE patients, Bernatsky et al. estimated an SMR 7.9 in those with nephritis [27]. Conversion between rates and probabilities as noted above.

fValues in (e) divided by 9.3, given that the relative risk of lupus-related death during relapse versus remission on MMF treatment is 9.3 [13].

gValues in (f) × 0.58, given that the relative risk of lupus-related death during remission on AZA versus MMF is 0.58 [13].