Figure 4.
(a) The thermal conductivity (κ) of ACPC 3-N versus the numbers of chains outside the SWCNT (N). The thermal conductance (G) per PE chain compared to a SPEC at 20 nm length; (b) The dependence of κACPC on PE content for four different ACPC structures. The ACPC 1–12, 3–12, 5–12 and 7–12 correspond to PE contents of 19.53%, 21.88%, 24.09% and 26.18%, respectively. The ACPC 3–4, 3–6, 3–8, 3–10, 3–12 and 3–14 correspond to PE contents of 11.56%, 14.38%, 17.04%, 19.53%, 21.88%, 24.09% and 26.18%, respectively; (c) The contributions of SWCNT and PE to the total thermal conductance in an 80 nm length ACPC 3–4 (ACPC 3–8). The PE accounts for 27.8% (ACPC 3–4) and 36.4% (ACPC 3–8), respectively; (d) The thermal conductance per PE chain for chains inside (outside) SWCNT in an 80 nm length ACPC 3–4 (ACPC 3–8). The blue dashed line corresponds to the G of an 80 nm SPEC.