Figure 6. Ascl.b and Tox are under the control of Tbx2/3, Msx and Bmp signalling.
(a,b) Injection of the control LacZ MO into fertilized eggs did not affect the expression of (a) Ascl.b or (b) Tox. (c,d) When the Tbx2/3 MO was injected into the left and right posterior animal cells (b4.2) of eight-cell embryos, the expression of (c) Ascl.b and (d) Tox was greatly reduced in the ventral region (white arrowhead), but not in the dorsal region (black arrowhead). (e,f) The expression of (e) Ascl.b and (f) Tox in both the ventral and dorsal regions was lost in Msx morphants, except for a few cells in the posterior-most region (black arrowheads). (g,h) When the Tbx2/3 MO was injected into the left and right posterior animal cells (b4.2) of eight-cell embryos after electroporation of an overexpression construct for Msx, the expression of (g) Ascl.b and (h) Tox was observed in the ventral region (arrowheads) and the lateral epidermal region. With this construct, Msx was overexpressed in the entire epidermis under the control of the upstream sequence of Dlx.b. Note that not all epidermal cells overexpress Msx because of mosaic incorporation of the electroporated plasmid. (i,j) The expression of (i) Ascl.b and (j) Tox was lost in the ventral region (white arrowheads), but not in the dorsal region (black arrowheads), of embryos with Noggin overexpression under the control of the upstream sequence of Dlx.b. The number of embryos examined and the proportion of embryos that each panel represents are shown. Scale bar, 100 μm (a).