FFA fibers: Defined by face-specific functional regions of interest. (a) On the group level, WM regions of FFA fibers local to fROIs (local WM, in red; color range dark to light=3 to 28 subjects) were centered on posterior sections of the whole bundle of FFA fibers (in blue; color range dark to light=3 to 28 subjects). In posterior regions of the brain (left), FFA fibers were more ventral to ILF (in blue) and IFOF fibers (in yellow) although there was partial overlap. Moving more anterior (middle to right), FFA fibers began to show increasing spatial overlap with ILF fibers. (b) Compared to control subjects, subjects with DP demonstrated lower mean FA (local WM) in right FFA fibers (Table 6). (c) A significant correlation between MD (local WM) in left FFA fibers and face recognition ability was found across both DP and control subjects (Supplementary Table S4). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)