bwa (5) |
bwaIndex |
Indexing the reference Fasta file |
bwaAln |
Create the alignment for FASTQ sequences |
bwaSampe |
Create the SAM file for pair-end sequences |
bwaSamse |
Create the SAM file for single-end sequences |
... |
... |
cutadapt (2) |
CreateConfFile |
Create the specific cutadapt configuration file |
execution |
Execute cutadapt command |
fastqc (6) |
execution |
Run FastQC software |
parse |
Parse the FastQC results |
... |
... |
gatk (8) |
gatkVariantFiltrator |
Filter the different SNP based on specific options |
gatkHaplotypeCaller |
Call the haplotype of each individual based on a BAM file |
... |
... |
pairing (4) |
pairRecognition |
Allow the recognition of pairs in a set of FASTQ files |
repairing |
Reorganize in pair two FASTQ files, extract single sequences |
picardTools (3) |
picardToolsMarkDuplicates |
Mark/eliminate different types of duplicate in a BAM file |
picardToolsCreateSequenceDictionnary |
Create the “.dict” file of the reference |
picardToolsSortSam |
Sort the SAM file |
... |
... |
samTools (10) |
samToolsSort |
Sort the SAM/BAM file |
samToolsIndex |
Index the SAM/BAM file |
mergeHeader |
Merge the header of multiples SAM/BAM into a single one |
... |
... |
toolbox (73) |
exportLog |
Export information into log files |
checkFile |
Check if a file exists, is readable/writable, and is not empty |
existsDir |
Check if a directory exists |
makeDir |
Create a new directory |
readDir |
Read the content of a directory |
extractPath |
Extract the complete path of a file |
extractName |
Create a readgroup from a file name |
readFileConf |
Read the configuration file and return a hash |
extractOptions |
Provide the options for a given software from the hash |
run |
Run the command line given in argument |
checkSamOrBamFormat |
Check if a file is a true SAM/BAM format |
extractHashSoft |
Extract specific options for a given tool |
checkNumberByWC |
Provide the number of sequence in a given FASTQ file |
checkEncodeByASCIIcontrol |
Check the format of encoding in a FASTQ file |
changeEncode |
Provide a wrapper to change the encoding of a FASTQ file |
... |
... |