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. 2015 Nov 9;16:374. doi: 10.1186/s12859-015-0795-6

Table 1.

List of the different packages and main modules. If any other modules exist but are not presented here, multiple dots are shown

Packages (nb of modules) Modules Functions
bwa (5) bwaIndex Indexing the reference Fasta file
bwaAln Create the alignment for FASTQ sequences
bwaSampe Create the SAM file for pair-end sequences
bwaSamse Create the SAM file for single-end sequences
... ...
cutadapt (2) CreateConfFile Create the specific cutadapt configuration file
execution Execute cutadapt command
fastqc (6) execution Run FastQC software
parse Parse the FastQC results
... ...
gatk (8) gatkVariantFiltrator Filter the different SNP based on specific options
gatkHaplotypeCaller Call the haplotype of each individual based on a BAM file
... ...
pairing (4) pairRecognition Allow the recognition of pairs in a set of FASTQ files
repairing Reorganize in pair two FASTQ files, extract single sequences
picardTools (3) picardToolsMarkDuplicates Mark/eliminate different types of duplicate in a BAM file
picardToolsCreateSequenceDictionnary Create the “.dict” file of the reference
picardToolsSortSam Sort the SAM file
... ...
samTools (10) samToolsSort Sort the SAM/BAM file
samToolsIndex Index the SAM/BAM file
mergeHeader Merge the header of multiples SAM/BAM into a single one
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toolbox (73) exportLog Export information into log files
checkFile Check if a file exists, is readable/writable, and is not empty
existsDir Check if a directory exists
makeDir Create a new directory
readDir Read the content of a directory
extractPath Extract the complete path of a file
extractName Create a readgroup from a file name
readFileConf Read the configuration file and return a hash
extractOptions Provide the options for a given software from the hash
run Run the command line given in argument
checkSamOrBamFormat Check if a file is a true SAM/BAM format
extractHashSoft Extract specific options for a given tool
checkNumberByWC Provide the number of sequence in a given FASTQ file
checkEncodeByASCIIcontrol Check the format of encoding in a FASTQ file
changeEncode Provide a wrapper to change the encoding of a FASTQ file
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