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. 2015 Jun 26;1(5):e1400175. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1400175

Table 2. Diagnosis of continental tigers [P. tigris tigris (L., 1758)] and Sunda tigers [P. tigris sondaica (Temminck, 1844)].

P. tigris tigris P. tigris sondaica
Principal synonyms: virgata (Illiger, 1815); altaica
(Temminck, 1844); amoyensis (Hilzheimer, 1905);
corbetti Mazák, 1968; jacksoni Luo et al., 2004
Principal synonyms: balica (Schwarz, 1912); sumatrae
Pocock, 1929
Skulls (Fig. 4, A and B)
  ~75% of males distinguishable
from ~75% of sondaica males
Condylobasal length ≥288 mm; interorbital width
≥71 mm; nasal length ≥105 mm; ventral posterior
length ≥81 mm; width of zygomatic arches
≥218 mm; mastoid width ≥126 mm; canine height
≥56 mm
Condylobasal length <288 mm; interorbital width
<70.5 mm; nasal length <105 mm; ventral posterior
length <81 mm; width of zygomatic arches
<218 mm; mastoid width <126 mm; canine height
<56 mm
  ~75% of females distinguishable
from ~75% of sondaica
Condylobasal length ≥255 mm; interorbital width
≥60 mm; nasal length ≥91.5 mm; ventral posterior
length ≥72.5 mm; width of zygomatic arches
≥182 mm; mastoid width ≥112.5 mm; canine
height ≥47 mm
Condylobasal length <255 mm; interorbital width
<60 mm; nasal length <91.5 mm; ventral posterior
length <72.5 mm; width of zygomatic arches
<182 mm; mastoid width <112.5 mm; canine height
<47 mm
Pelage (Fig. 4C)
  Ground color Variable but averages lighter than sondaica Darker than tigris
  Mean number of flank stripes
(distinguishes 75% of tigris
from 75% of sondaica)
<23 >24
  Stripes Thicker and less dense, especially on hindquarters Thin and particularly dense on hindquarters
  Pale ventral coloration Extends further up flanks (one-third to halfway),
tending to be white in color
Extends minimally up flanks, tending to be yellow
in color
  Brow patches Whiter and more extensive than in sondaica Smaller than in tigris and tending to be yellow cranially
Ecological preferences (Fig. 4D)
  Climate (~75% of tigris occurrence
records are distinguishable
from sondaica)
More seasonal; cooler and drier climates than
sondaica, but occurrence records from parts
of its range (for example, Peninsular Malaysia)
are indistinguishable
from sondaica
Less seasonal; warmer and wetter climates than tigris
Molecular markers (mtDNA)
  SNPs that distinguish all tigris
from sondaica [see also
Luo et al. (8)]
Position of the cat mtDNA genome (71) 5608 ND2:
C in tigris 15743 Cytb: A in tigris
Position of the cat mtDNA genome (71) 5608 ND2: T in
sondaica 15743 Cytb: G in sondaica
  SNPs that distinguish most tigris
from sondaica
Position of the cat mtDNA genome (71) 4442 ND1:
T in most tigris 5155 ND2: T in most tigris 13029
ND5: G in most tigris 14118 ND5: C in most tigris
Position of the cat mtDNA genome (71) 4442 ND1:
C in all sondaica 5155 ND2: C in all sondaica
13029 ND5: A in most sondaica 14118 ND5: T in
all sondaica