Fig 5. Macrophage depletion did not improve renal pathology in Col4a3KO mice.
Kidney pathology was comparable between KO+PBSL and KO+CL. Panels A (H&E) and C (PAS) show tubular pathology (atrophy, degeneration/regeneration and eosinophilic casts) in KO+PBSL; panels B (H&E) and D (PAS) show comparable tubular pathology in KO+CL. Incidence of sclerotic glomeruli was comparable between KO+PBSL and KO+CL (circle = sclerotic glomeruli; star = normal-appearing glomeruli), with many glomeruli showing variable extent of changes from normal to sclerotic appearance. (E) Semi quantitative histologic assessment of nephropathy and sclerotic glomeruli revealed no significant differences between KO, KO+PBSL or KO+CL mice. Welch corrected ANOVA followed by posthoc pairwise t-test with a Bonferroni correction was used to evaluate differences between groups. (E) n = 3–5 mice per group. Scale bar 100 um. CL: clodronate liposomes; PBSL: PBS liposomes.